Luá![]() |
Structure![]() There are two parts of speech in Luá: content words and particles. Content words include words that would be called nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, etc. in a language like English. Particles are words that have no meaning by themselves, but modify or specify the meaning or function of the words around them. For the sake of clarity, syntax will be discussed in terms of English parts of speech. All particles in Luá will be identified as such; anything not labeled a particle can be considered a content word. Nouns:A noun by itself is general in meaning; it can be definite or indefinite, singular or plural. It's possible to mark plurality explicitly by doubling the noun, e.g. râi-râi (people), though it's usually not necessary. In compound words, the first element is doubled, e.g. noà-noà-reá (saplings). Nía means "part" or "piece," and it's used when discussing part(s) of a whole, e.g. hée nía nào (three pieces of a stone). All content words are essentially nouns, but they can be used as verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. In lists of nouns or noun phrases, the conjunction liî (and) can be used before the last item in the list, but it's often omitted, even in a list containing only two nouns. When liî is inserted, it's usually used for the sake of increased clarity. Pronouns:
The pronoun ìa-ûa is the exclusive first-person plural, ìa-éa is the inclusive first-person plural, and ìa-éa-ûa is an inclusive first-person plural where the speaker is also talking about a party whom s/he is not directly addressing. The second-person pronouns éa-éa and éa-ûa are similarly distinguished by whether or not the speaker is also talking about a third party. The reflexive pronoun ía is used as the object of a transitive verb, e.g. ìa fháo ía (I see myself), ûa-ûa fháo ía (they see themselves), etc. Numbers:The cardinal numbers from one to ten are óo, fháa, hée, rhíi, rúu, loó, naá, meé, fhií, aâ. The numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, are formed by adding -aâ to the end: fháa-aâ, hée-aâ, rhíi-aâ, rúu-aâ, loó-aâ, naá-aâ, meé-aâ, fhií-aâ. One hundred is eê, and one thousand is iî. The number 1984 would be iî fhií-eê meé-aâ-rhíi. A cardinal number is placed before the noun it's used to count, e.g. óo râi (one person). Ordinal numbers are formed by adding a cardinal number to the end of a noun, e.g. râi-óo (first person). A fraction is expressed using the phrase nía luú (parts of), e.g. hée nía luú rhíi (three-quarters). The words fhûu (several), miè (many), and nuú (very few) can be used in place of cardinal numbers for less specific quantities. Verbs:Although all content words are nouns, some are more often used as verbs. With the exception of fhâa (be), verbs are sometimes preceded by an extra personal pronoun even when the subject is expressed as a noun, e.g. iá ûa rheé-rhoá (the sun [it] rises). This extra pronoun is used only for clarity or emphasis, and is often omitted in daily speech or writing. It's often used with content words that are not commonly used as verbs. For verbs that can take an indirect object (e.g. loâ, loá, luò), the indirect object is expressed using the prepositional verb rheé (to, towards) as a preposition. If both a direct object and an indirect object are present for a given verb, direct precedes indirect, e.g. háa loâ léa rheé ìa (tell me a story). Past, present, and future tenses are usually expressed through context, but îa (past) and uâ (future) can be used if no specific time is given. These usually occur at the beginning of a sentence, not directly in front of the verb. The imperative is formed by placing háa in front of the verb, e.g. ìa-éa-ûa háa rhoó (let's go). The pronoun is often unnecessary, and therefore omitted, e.g. háa lôu (drink). The negative imperative is formed with háa àu, e.g. háa àu lôu (don't drink). The conditional is formed by placing fhòa in front of the verb, e.g. ìa fhòa rêi (I would eat). The normative is formed by placing haò (should) in front of the verb, e.g. ìa haò rêi (I should eat). The passive voice is formed by placing ràa in front of the verb, e.g. ûa ràa rêi (it is eaten). If a sentence contains both ràa and another verb modifier, the other modifier precedes ràa. The verbal suffix -reê indicates an action in progress, e.g. riâ-reê (running). The verbal suffix -rhài indicates a completed action, e.g. hòu-rhài (finished). Adjectives and Adverbs:Adjectives and adverbs always follow what they describe. Both nouns and prepositions can be turned into adjectives or adverbs, using the descriptive particle luû. A word describing a noun phrase becomes an adjective, e.g. râe luû raà (a slow animal). A word describing a verb phrase becomes an adverb, e.g. ûa riâ luû raà (it runs slowly). Exceptions to this rule are copula verbs such as ruá (become) or fháe (seem), which can be followed by adjectives. The adjectives formed using luû are always descriptive adjectives; the associative particle luú is used for certain limiting adjectives (see Association below). If more than one adjective or adverb is used consecutively, the adjectives or adverbs are separated by commas (or pauses, when spoken), e.g. ûa-ûa roâ luû rhaó, luû reà, luû rúa (they swim swiftly, powerfully, and skillfully). In cases where there can be no ambiguity, luû can be omitted, especially when forming adjectives. Association:The associative particle luú is used to mark a relationship similar to possession, but somewhat broader in meaning. An expression of the form x luú y means that x is somehow associated with y, so x could commonly be found in conjunction with y, x could be a part of y, x could belong to y, etc. This particle is roughly equivalent to the English "of," e.g. rháu luú ruà (the leaf of the plant) or râe luú muà (the beast(s) of the mountain). If a noun is followed by both a descriptive phrase and an associative phrase, the description comes first, e.g. rháu luû ruâ luú ruà (the green leaf of the plant). The same phrase can alternatively be expressed as rháu luú ruà, rháu luû ruâ (the leaf of the plant, the green leaf) for maximum clarity. Prepositions:Prepositions generally consist of either a prepositional verb alone, or a prepositional verb with a locative. The prepositional verbs are mâa (being at), rhaá (going past), rheé (going to), rhoó (leaving from), and rhuá (passing through). The locatives are rhèa (bottom), heâ (front), rêa (inside), múo (middle, midst), rhoâ (outside), fhûo (rear), muâ (surrounding area), rhoá (top). Many of the prepositions used in English can be formed by combining a prepositional verb with a locative, e.g. mâa rhèa (below/under), mâa rhoá (above/on), mâa muâ (around), mâa múo (between/among). There are also other types of phrases in Luá that would be translated as prepositions in English, such as luû laè (about/regarding), huà fhâa (in order to), and hiê fhâa (because of). Relative Constructions:The relative particle, lûu, is similar to the descriptive particle luû, in that what follows lûu is a description of what precedes lûu. The difference is that the description following lûu is always a clause, e.g. ráu lûu ìa rêi (the fruit that I eat/ate), or muà lûu rhoá mâa rêa fhóa (the mountain whose peak is in the clouds). Comparison:The comparative, for adjectives and adverbs alike, is formed by attaching nuù (less), maà (more), or mòo (most) to the end of an adjective or adverb, much as the suffixes "-er" and "-est" are attached in English. The equivalent to the preposition "than" in a comparison is rhaá (literally, past), e.g. ûa luû reá-maà rhaâ éa (he is younger than you). Compound Words:In most cases, the first element provides the general meaning, and subsequent elements are qualifiers. When a compound word is made up of two specific qualities opposite in meaning, the meaning of the compound is the general quality encompassing the two, e.g. moâ-nôu ("largeness"-smallness = size). In this type of compound, the two elements can be in any order (nôu-moâ also means size). Correlatives:The words fhoó (any), naî (each), moá (every), fhôu (some), noó (that), nèe (this), hôu (which), fhaâ (what), and uú (no/none) usually act as adjectives when used as individual words. They are often compounded behind the following nouns: râi (person), nâa (thing), áu (moment), naê (place), hiê (cause), hâo (result), and fhûa (way). Questions:Questions that can be answered with yes or no are asked by inserting huû before the source of the uncertainty. As an example, the statement "Éa liâ ráu luû fheí" ("You like sweet fruit") can be turned into four different questions, with the focus of the question depending on the placement of huû.
To answer "yes" to a yes/no question, one would reply with a word or phrase that addresses the uncertainty marked by huû. The preceding questions would be answered as follows:
Alternatively, one could answer with the complete sentence in the affirmative, e.g. "Ìa liâ ráu luû fheí" ("Yes, I like sweet fruit"). To answer "no" to a yes/no question, one would reply with àu (not) followed by the appropriate word or phrase. The four questions would be answered as follows:
One could also answer with the complete sentence in the negative, with àu preceding the appropriate word or phrase. The quickest way to say "no" would simply be "àu" by itself. Huû also corresponds to "whether or not" or "if" in English, e.g. "ìa àu hòa hâa noó huû luû hào" ("I do not know if that is true"), with the interrogative particle huû maintaining its position from the main clause. Other questions can be asked using hôu (which) and fhaâ (what), and their compounds. The word order of a question is the same as the word order of a statement. Word Order:Any content word can be a sentence by itself. The basic word order of a sentence with multiple content words is as follows: (time) (subject) (adj.) (verb modifier) (verb) (adv.) (object) (adj.). All additional information, such as causes, results, and locations, can be added as separate clauses before and/or after the main clause. Copyright © 2004-2009 T. F. Yik |